Meet Hadassah Treu, author, speaker, and hope-lifter
A literary meet-'n'-greet in 10 pictures or less
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Many of us turn to books for comfort, but what about when we’re going through…you know…hard times? Can some books help us navigate periods of profound pain?
Hadassah Treu has been there, and she has devoted herself to writing books that help people face their darkest trials, bitterest disappointments, and ugliest scars. She doesn’t do it alone—she draws from the well of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I’m so excited for you to meet her today.
And, now, Hadassah will take it away…
All About Hadassah
I’m an award-winning international author, blogger, poet, speaker, and motivator. I am the Encouraging Blogger Award Winner for 2020 and the Literature Award Winner of the Municipality of Pazardzhik, Bulgaria for 2024. I love to encourage and motivate people to stand firm in the faith, and to grow spiritually by applying biblical truths in their lives.
I’m a regular contributor to several faith-based platforms, such as Devotable, Koinonia, and COMPEL Pro Proverbs 31 Ministries Blog. I’ve been featured on The Upper Room, (In)Courage, Proverbs 31 Ministries, Her View From Home, Living by Design Ministries, Thoughts About God, Aletheia Today, Today's Christian Living (Turning Point), and other popular sites podcasts.
I am also a contributing author to over 12 devotional and poetry anthologies. I am the author of two poetry books in Bulgarian: A Guarantee for Another Life and Memories Keeper.
My first solo book Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become a Birthplace of Blessings with Calla Press Publishing was released in March 2024.
I am no stranger to suffering and losses. From the platform of my greatest pains equipped with lessons gathered on the way, I strive to deliver a powerful message of comfort and hope, found in God's Word.
A few accomplishments I’m proud of: Speaking four languages, graduating summa cum laude in international relations, authoring three books and co-authoring 12.
All About Hadassah’s Books
Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings
From Calla Press Publishing: As believers, we generally expect good things to happen in our lives. We expect a blessing upon blessing because we love God and He loves us and we form an expectation of prosperity (relational, emotional, and physical). And when the tragedy strikes and we enter a season of unwanted changes and suffering, we are shocked, angry, disappointed, and confused. We start doubting God's love and His good intentions and plans. We begin questioning His ways and methods. We don't understand. It is difficult to reconcile the pain we feel with what we know about God. This encouraging book aims to help you not only identify and accept specific losses but to realize that painful experiences could be the birthplace of blessings. We lose something, but there is more to gain.
I encourage you to check out the inspirational work of Michele Cushatt, Lisa Appelo, and Sarah Geringer.
Books that Hadassah read and loved
Robots of Dawn by Isaac Asimov
Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
The Story of With: A Better Way to Live, Love, & Create by Allen Arnold
Lean into Grace: Let God's Grace Heal Your Heart, Refresh Your Soul, and Set You Free by Stacey Pardoe (Read my review.)
Numbering Our Days: Combating Anxiety in the Power of Small Intentional Moments by Nichole J. Suvar (Read my review.)
Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart: 50 Devotions for Sleeping Well in a World Full of Worry by Lysa TerKeurst and the Proverbs 31 Team
Here’s how you can connect with Hadassah
Hadassah has her own writing space, OnTheWay Blog. Head over there to stay in touch directly.
🎁🎁🎁 If Hadassah’s interview resonated with you, and you’d like to start reading her work right away, she is generously offering a free ebook, How to Overcome Disappointment and Discouragement. 🎁🎁🎁
If you want more where that came from, then check out her shop to get access to her other books and works.
Here’s where you can find her on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and Goodreads. She also writes on Medium.
Thank you, Hadassah, for chatting books today!
And thank you for being here, readers.
Catch you next time,
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Love Hadassah! ❤️